Wednesday 26 October 2011

08-365: A Rainy Day

I have very little to say today. It's full on autumn weather, wind, rain, sunshine, rain etc.... You know the drill. I took this when I got up this morning, before the rain got really heavy. Anyway, the S.A.D has kicked in, so I'm going to bury myself in a hole.

Should have more to say tomorrow. Visitors. Good fodder for a blog entry.

07-365: Sookie

This is my 9 month old Kitten, Sookie. Not a girl as the name suggests. And not your regular Tuxedo cat either as it's appearance suggests. It is a he, and he is part Bengal leopard cat, part Siamese, and a whole lot of Satan.

Since I got him, he has paid me very little attention. Choosing to spend time with his brother, and every other person in the house except me.  Until today that is. I think he overheard the phone call to the vets, arranging for he and  his brother to have their balls removed. OK, that was blunt, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, since that phone call, he hasn't left me alone, sitting on my lap at every opportunity, rubbing around my legs etc....

Oh, I should explain the name. He's named after Sookie Stackhouse from True Blood, back when I thought he was a she, as I had been told when I bought him. Thank god I didn't name him Jessica.

Monday 24 October 2011

06-365: Wide Open Space

Today didn't quite go according to plan. The original plan was to go out further afield and get some nature shots. For one reason or another though, we ended up back down on the beach. Which in itself was fine except for the very strong and icy cold wind coming off the sea.

Eden, like myself and her mummy much prefers to be out in the big wide open spaces rather than indoors, so it didn't really matter where we were, as long as we were out. And I wanted to get a few decent shots of...well anything really, with my proper camera.  I managed 40 in the end, one of which I am especially proud of.  A shot of a long tailed tit, which you can view HERE . If you want to view the rest of the shots from today, you can see them HERE .

I suppose the highlight of the walk was finding a boat called Crapper. I mean, REALLY???

Anyway, my brain is giving up on me from processing photos, so have now forgotten most of what I was going to put here today. So, until tomorrow....

Sunday 23 October 2011

05-365: One of those Days

This is my stunt double. He is demonstrating how I feel today. Not depressed. But rather feeling generally under the weather. Or to put it simply, I feel like crap.

Most Sundays are spent feeling like this. Partly because I have to get up (along with Karen) extra early as she has to go to work. I then spend the rest of the day walking around in a kind of limbo. Not tired enough to sleep or awake enough to be really productive.  I'm amazed I've managed to knock this blog together to be honest.

And so I will now spend the rest of the day sat in front of the pc, reading peoples Tweets and Fuckbook updates, and maybe thinking about getting up off my arse and doing something else.

So here's to Sunday. The most boring day of my week. 

04-365: Saturday

Ahhhh Saturday mornings. A chance to walk to the shops with Eden to buy her some sweets and look at the world through her eyes for a while. She is interested in everything she sees and hears. From the cars that go past, to the people walking their dogs, the planes in the sky and the birds flitting about. She also has a habit of poop spotting and talking about it very loudly.

This is the reason she is getting a camera (a kids one) for Christmas. A chance to really see the world through her eyes.

I love Saturday.

03-365: Copycats

Not much to say about this shot really, other than this is the brothers Grimm. Or rather Sookie (black and white) and Hodgins. This was them stalking a tiny little spider on the kitchen ceiling.

They did'nt catch it.

02-365: Down by the Duck Pond

So we took Eden (our daughter) to feed the ducks today (Thursday) after she finished school. Something she likes to do as often as possible. She does have a habit of eating the bread herself though, while the ducks sit by her feet looking longingly up at her.

This picture however is not of the ducks, even though there are a few in the shot, but rather the tree. I love this tree and it's tilting angle. Taken many shots of it with my proper camera over the years, and there's usually a duck or two under it.

01-365: Welcome

So here we go again, yet another attempt at the 365 project. Except, this one is different in a few ways from my previous attempts. The most obvious difference being that the shots will all be taken on my mobile phone, rather than my camera. Another difference is I probably won't be in any of them. And the biggest difference is, I am not uploading a single one of the shots to Flickr. This project is purely for Twitter exclusively.

I struggled with the 365 project on Flickr for a few reasons, lack of ideas, time constraints, and ultimately, I got bored of looking at myself so deeply. And as I was bored of doing it, it stood to reason that people were probably bored of looking at me too.

But, doing it with a mobile phone camera, and the shots being random (but related to my day) is easy. It's always with me wherever I go.

Anyway, that's enough for now. Hopefully the quality of the shots will improve as I move forward. Which, is the whole point after all!
